Trackdaymods has been created to cater for the exacting needs of today’s trackday users. From the dedicated trackday warrior with a circuit only car, to the casual enthusiast who ventures out in their daily driver. We aim to provide the best products and services together with all the information you will need to get you on the track and keep you on it.

From hotels to howto’s we should soon be the best reference point on the web, for all your trackday needs, with our trackday diary listing all the track and test days from the best providers as soon as the season starts in earnest.

We will also have an editorial section which we will discuss all the issues surrounding trackdays and circuit use. For a long running feature we plan to take a standard road car and over the next 12 months or so turn it into a serious trackday weapon.

We are also interested in your own track day experience and if you’ve been somewhere interesting or had an exceptional time we’d love to hear from you and put it in print.

The full website will be launched soon, but we were so excited with the way things were shaping up we wanted to let you all know now.

To prove our Track credentials we’re backing a Series Winning TVR Tuscan in the “Dunlop TVR European Challenge” and if your visiting the performance Show at the NEC make sure you look out for the car.

So you can keep up with what’s happening here at please
register and we’ll keep you informed as we update things and any special offers we have.

See you at the Circuits

The TrackDayMods Team